Anthony Foxx, Stefan Müller.

Anthony-Foxx“Our National Highway Traffic Safety Administration will soon issue a final rule on sound requirements for electric and hybrid vehicles so people who are visually impaired can hear them coming.”

U.S. Transportation Secretary Anthony Foxx announces a new regulation for EVs and hybrids, which will now be required to be audible. The rule has long been delayed and carmakers will at least have until 2018 to comply with the minimum sound level.

Stefan-Mueller“The European market for vehicles with alternative drivetrain technology is unfortunately developing rather slowly, admittedly worse than we expected.”

Renault CEO Stefan Müller admits that the market in Europe might not be where Renault would like it to be. However, he also mentioned that sales of the Zoe and Kangoo ZE grew 70 percent in just one year. (in German)


about „Anthony Foxx, Stefan Müller.“

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