PNNL, FTA, ISO/IEC 15118-2, Bridgestone.

Hybrid-Anode-PNNLHybrid anode for Li-S batteries: Researchers at PNNL have designed a protection system for the anode of lithium–sulfur batteries. Electrically connected graphite and lithium metal functions as an artificial solid electrolyte interface (SEI) layer that prevents destructive chemical reactions. This could prolong battery life up to four times.,

25 million dollar LoNo program: The U.S. Federal Transit Administration (FTA) has money left to spend on the deployment of low- or no-emission (LoNo) buses. 21.6 million dollars are available for vehicles other than prototypes, another 3.3m dollars for equipment and infrastructure.

International V2G standard: A part of the ISO/IEC 15118-2 standard regarding the two-way communication between electric vehicle and charging stations, has been accepted by the ISO authority as ‘FDIS’ (Final Draft for International Standard). Now, the IEC has to approve the draft before a final document can be prepared and eventually issued as international standard for V2G. (In German)

Bridgestone tyres for i3: The Japanese exclusively deliver slim tyres for the all-electric BMW. The new Ologic line uses a diameter usually known from race car tyres and combines it with a narrow tread design. The tyres are said to improve aerodynamics and rolling resistance while providing safe grip.


about „PNNL, FTA, ISO/IEC 15118-2, Bridgestone.“

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