Dairmuid O'Connell, Peter Schmidt, Bob Lutz.

Diarmuid-O-Connell“We are about to hear a lot of rhetoric that Americans don’t want to buy electric vehicles. From an empirical standpoint, the regulations are very weak, eminently achievable and the only thing missing is the will to put compelling products on the road.”

Dairmuid O’Connell, Tesla’s VP of development, is tired of listening to carmakers lamenting tighter emission standards. Instead, he imputes all responsibility to reluctant carmakers, while calling on authorities to make the rules even tougher.

Peter-Schmidt“Batteries are a huge handicap. The cost, the increasing amount of energy for cooling, they cannibalize themselves wasting electric power to keep cool, the weight and range anxiety and the time to recharge. You don’t have this with hydrogen and they have the range of gasoline and diesel cars.”

Peter Schmidt, editor at Automotive Industry Data (AID), sees fuel cell cars the way to go in what he calls the “longterm future,” that is beyond 2025, given that hydrogen infrastructure will continue to be build up.

bob-lutz“The end state is going to be the fully autonomous, fully electric module with no capability for the driver to steer it or exercise any sort of command. You will call it up, it will arrive at the domicile, you’ll get in, input the destination and go to the freeway.”

Industry veteran Bob Lutz delivers his vision of the future of mobility, which seems pretty convenient at first glance. However, standardisation and intermodality do not hold many gains for traditional carmakers, but for IT corporations.


about „Dairmuid O'Connell, Peter Schmidt, Bob Lutz.“

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