Elon Musk, Forrest McConnel, Maria Krautzberger.

Elon-Musk-Twitter“Simply put, in a choice between a great product or hitting quarterly numbers, we will take the former.”

Tesla CEO Elon Musk made this statement ahead of release of the Q2 earnings. While those are positive, Musk has decreased the forecast of annual deliveries of the Model S and Model X from 55,000 to 50,000 in 2015.

Forrest-McConnel“That’s what happens when people want doughnuts but you’re trying to sell them broccoli.”

Honda sales man Forrest McConnel compares electric cars to vegetables. He clearly got a sweet tooth.

Maria-Krautzberger“Currently, the government requires that by 2020, 95 percent of all new cars sold must not emit more than 95 grams per km. We recommend that the standard be tightened to the 70 to 80 g/km range by 2025 at the latest.”

Maria Krautzberger presides over the German “Umweltbundesamt” (Agency for the Environment) and calls for tighter CO2 emission standards, similar to those targeted by the EU.


about „Elon Musk, Forrest McConnel, Maria Krautzberger.“

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