California, Netherlands, Germany, GM, CarCharging
New EV legislation in California? A new bill calls for 15 percent of all vehicles to be electric by 2025 in the Golden State. The proposal will require CARB to adopt a regulation by the end of next year and would force all carmakers to offer EV rather than just buy credits. “This is about clean cars, not credits,” stated Assemblywoman Autumn Burke who is behind the bill. via
The end of ICE in the Netherlands seems to become a reality as a proposal by the Dutch Labour party initiative has since passed in the lower house of parliament. Once the bill passes the Dutch Senate, car makers would be required to offer nothing but electric cars from 2025.,
H2 car sharing starts in Germany: Hyundai and Linde open the BeeZero car sharing to the public in Munich today. 50 Korean FCV are thus available to hire. Users do not have to bring them back refuelled but are welcome to try the hydrogen station. (in German)
Lyft turns down GM: The carmaker offered to take over the ride-sharing service fully but Lyft turned to venture capital instead. GM invested 500m dollars last January and currently holds nine percent. Both companies work as partners on trials with autonomous EVs. via
CarCharging not profitable: CarCharging filed its report for 2015. While losses have been reduced and revenue is up, the infrastructure provider still loses two dollars for each one it makes. There are 11,600 charging stations installed.