Peter Carlsson, Laura Toole.

Sebastian-Carlsson“There are 19 million cars sold in the European Union per year. If even 10 percent are going to be electric, which is a conservative estimate for 2025, that’s a huge opportunity for us.”

This is not just positive thinking but realistic positivism Ex-Tesla-Manager Peter Carlsson applied. He now heads NorthVolt, the company that is about to set up Europe’s own “Gigafactory” reportedly.

Laura-Toole“These incentives directly influence consumer behavior, and given current market conditions (such as low gas prices), they are still necessary to help build the EV market to greater volumes. We will work with the new administration on any adjustments that seem appropriate.”

GM communications manager Laura Toole comments on the possibility of Trump cutting all EV incentives. Question is what “appropriate adjustments” are for GM?


about „Peter Carlsson, Laura Toole.“

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