Greenway, London, ChargePoint, New Zealand, Quebec.

Greenway to erect net in Slovakia and Poland: Greenway Infrastructure says it will install numerous charging stations on behalf of the EU’s executive agency INEA in both countries. The order involves 13 ultra-fast charging stations with up to 350 kW. Ten of them will be in Poland, the others in Slovakia. They will be joined by another 60 quick charging stations with up to 50 kW as well as 50 regular charging stations with up to 22 kW in Poland and 20 in Slovakia.

London charges diesel extra: Parts of London’s city centre sees the trial of the so-called D-charge that started just now. Thus, for diesel older than 2015, parking in chosen areas gets more expensive. With 7.35 pounds per hour their fee is 2.35 pounds more costly than for other cars.

ChargePoint takes over GE charging net: U.S. provider ChargePoint has announced its acquisition of General Electric’s charging network including all client contracts. The company’s network thus grows significantly towards 10,000 charging points, among them 8,000 at residential buildings.,,

New Zealand encourages EV uptake: With an Energy Innovation Amendment Bill, New Zealand’s government seeks to support electrification on the country’s roads. The aim is to exempt heavy EV from charges or allowing electric cars to use special lanes. These measures shall contribute to the government’s strategy to reach up to 64,000 EVs in New Zealand by 2021.

Also Quebec’s government raises 1.5bn dollars in order to promote clean energy within the next 3 years. In 2020, the parliamentarians hope to see 100,000 EVs in the province. The measures involve subsidiaries for EV buyers, a wider charging net and testing H2 cars.


about „Greenway, London, ChargePoint, New Zealand, Quebec.“

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