Scott Keogh, John O’Dell, Martin Hülder.

Scott-Keogh“If the car does not get sold, if the car does not get on the road, you don’t have a compliance car; you have a headache on your hands. What we want to get is the mainstream.”

Audi America President Scott Keogh is building a strong business case for the A3 e-tron, which he believes to be the “perfect bridge-product.”

John-O-Dell“It’s unlikely the whole industry will shift and change to a Tesla-type battery. Whatever value is there, I do not think it’s in their batteries.”

John O’Dell, senior analyst at Edmunds, is questioning the disruptive force of Tesla publishing its patents as the Californian batteries are pretty costly. Value for the Big 3 might lie however, in the charging technology and infrastructure.

Martin-Huelder“As you are aware, the current electric drive has only been on the market since 2012. We will launch its successor by 2016.”

Smart’s head of Marketing Martin Hülder dampens expectations as he sets the electric version of the newly unveiled Smart generation in only two years time. (interview in German)


about „Scott Keogh, John O’Dell, Martin Hülder.“

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