Fraunhofer IISB, SK Innovation, Leclanché, hybrids.

Fraunhofer-IISB-OneE-Racer rollout: Fraunhofer IISB in the German city of Erlangen has presented its electric sports car IISB-One. It is road ready as well as road legal and will be used to test various power electronics designed by the institute. Components like the drive system or on-board charger have all been developed by IISB.

Doubled production: SK Innovation has increased its annual Li-ion battery production in its Seosan facility from 300 MWh to 700 MWh – enough to power around 30,000 EVs according to the Korean company. Customers include Kia and BAIC.

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e-mobil BW_E-VOLUTIONEfficient e-vehicle offering higher performance: The essence of the new project of the leading edge cluster Electric Mobility South-West “e-volution” is to merge peak technology from all segments of e-vehicle research and provide innovative integration for efficient interaction.

Battery makers merge: Swiss-German Leclanché has acquired Belgian battery-maker Trineuron. The latter offers multiple chemistries and system designs. Leclanché hopes to broaden its offering, especially with regards to BMS and larger transport applications such as buses or ferries.

Hybrid parity: Hybrid and non-hybrid vehicles could reach price equality as early as 2015, a new technical paper suggests. It states technological advances, especially in production, and further learnings as reasons, using the Toyota Prius as an example.


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