Nissan Leaf, Defiant EV3.

Video tip I: In this episode of Fully Charged, Robert Llewellyn hops behind the wheel of the new Nissan Leaf featuring a 30 kWh battery pack. It’s not any bigger, but can hold more energy because of increased density. To show how better range has gotten, the carmaker sent Robert up a mountain road. Spoiler alert: He made it! But just with how much juice left in the battery?

Video tip II: In this episode of Translogic, Jonathon Buckley gets behind the wheel of the three-wheeled Defiant EV3 – a strange mix of futuristic EV meets oldtimer (from the front, you might even see a little bit of Darth Vader). The range of this ‘auto-cycle’ is set between 80-100 miles. The aerodynamic design means, the car need less power and a smaller battery pack than other EVs out there.


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