Matthias Müller, Gareth Dunsmore.

Matthias-Mueller“The Volkswagen Group has made it its mission to become a mobility provider with a full range of products. That includes carsharing models and a variety of new electric cars, as well as the Bugatti high-performance sports car you mentioned. And who knows, perhaps the next version of the Chiron will be an electric car.”

Volkswagen CEO Matthias Müller explained in an interview with German Handelsblatt that the manufacturer is looking to clean up its act and venture into new business models in the mobility sector, as well as bet more on electrification.

Gareth-Dunsmore“Having Tesla, the visibility for the technology is a massive benefit.”

Gareth Dunsmore, director of the Nissan’s zero-emission business unit, says that while the Japanese was one of the first to bet on electric cars, growing visibility with the public and across the world has helped their cause to push the technology.


about „Matthias Müller, Gareth Dunsmore.“

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