Smatrics, Fastned, AddÉnergie, Manila, Huizhou.

VW collaborates with Smatrics: Austrian owners of an e-Up or e-Golf now benefit from a cooperation between VW and the Austrian infrastructure operator. With one charge card they have access to 400 charging points of Smatrics nationwide. In the first year it will be free and first 350 kW charger shall follow before the year’s end. VW clients in Germany, Belgium, Slovenia, Slovakia and the Netherlands enjoy similar advantages, where they can charge at fixed roaming tariffs.,, (all in German)

Fast-chargers break even: Dutch EV charging company Fastned claims to have broken even with two of its fast-chargers for the first time. This means the fees covered all operating expenses, such as energy, fees for land, lease and license. Fastned estimates more stations will pass break even soon.

Infrastructure project on track: AddÉnergie has started to install 25 chargers at Canadian Tire Gas+ petrol stations along highways in Ontario as planned. The chargers will be part of the FLO network, the first one was now inaugurated in Milton, the rest shall follow in the course of the year.

Manila counts on E-trikes: The city parliament has transferred the first batch of 50 E-trikes to drivers in the Phillippines’ capital and seeks to distribute 230 more models until the end of the year. And it is just the beginning as Manila intends to replace all fuel-run tricycles reportedly.

Charging network for Huizhou: The infrastructure company Beijing E-Star wants to implement 160 EV charging stations in China’s Huizhou city through collaboration with a Chinese property developer.


about „Smatrics, Fastned, AddÉnergie, Manila, Huizhou.“

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