Tesla, UQM, UMTRI.

tesla-model-sWinter charging problem: Tesla received numerous complaints from Norwegian Model S drivers having trouble charging. Apparently, the portable UMC (universal mobile connector) does not hold the connection if it gets real cold. Replacement UMCs Tesla sent, did not resolve the issue. The Californians are now trying to adapt their equipment to Norway’s grid.
insideevs.com, teslamotorsclub.com, dagbladet.no (In Norwegian)

Indonesian electric bus: The American UQM Technologies reports that its PowerPhase Pro system is used to drive an all-electric bus in Jakarta. The e-bus by PT Sarimas Ahmadi Pratama is part of the goal of Indonesia’s government to start mass-production of e-cars and e-buses this year.

U.S. consumers less car-keen: A report by the University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute (UMTRI) found a proportional increase in American households without a car. However, this trend varies greatly between America’s 30 largest cities. New York showed the strongest increase with 56.5% while in San Josè car ownership remained most steady (5.8%).


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