BYD, Nissan, Workhorse Group.

BYD to mine for lithium: The Chinese EV maker signed a framework agreement to take part in lithium mining in China’s salt lake in Qinghai province. A plant with an annual output of 30,000 tonnes of lithium carbonate will be build together with Qinghai Salk Lake Industry Group within 2 – 3 years.

H2 from formic acid: A new process is said to efficiently source hydrogen from liquid formic acid, researchers at the University of Melbourne report. They developed a molecular catalyst that “coerces” formic acid to produce only hydrogen and carbon dioxide at a low temperature of 70°C.,

i3 REx reused: Last-mile delivery electric vehicles from Workhorse Group now reutilise the BMW i3’s range extender. The Workhorse E-GEN is thus re-generated by the REx, which is powered by a small two-cylinder gasoline engine that engages when the battery’s SOC is too low.


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