Roberto Fedeli, Gareth Dunsmore, Michael Steiner.

Roberto-Fedeli“A Tesla fighter probably is not a good idea […] We will be last with a production EV, and we have to arrive to the market with something different. Very different. ”

Maserati engineering boss Roberto Fedeli confirmed rumours that there will be an electric Maserati “before 2020.” Refreshingly enough, it’s not supposed to be a Tesla-fighter. What form it will take instead, remains to be seen.

Gareth-Dunsmore“We know customers think more positively about Nissan because we make electric vehicles, and that’s really important, regardless of whether they take the final step and purchase them.”

Nissan Europe EV boss Gareth Dunsmore says the recent diesel-scandal and rising levels of air pollution are playing into the carmaker’s hands. It has definitely peeked people’s interest in electric mobility.

Michael-Steiner“We will do one more hybrid version of the Panamera, and this will be more in the direction of a high performance derivative.”

Michael Steiner, Porsche executive board member for research and development, here confirms a second hybrid variant of the Porsche Panamera – a more performance focused model than the 4 E-Hybrid.


about „Roberto Fedeli, Gareth Dunsmore, Michael Steiner.“

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