Elon accuses employees of sabotage


After technical problems on the assembly line, now apparently Tesla is being plagued by a saboteur from the internal ranks. The reason proclaimed for the disloyalty is apparently a snubbed promotion.

Elon Musk informed his employees via an email that there were a saboteur among their ranks. This person apparently made code changes to Tesla’s production system under a false username, and passed on large amounts of sensitive data to third parties.

How far the extent of the damages caused reaches, is still unclear. A small fire, which started under difficult-to-explain circumstances, shut down the chassis manufacturing line for several hours, for example. Tesla will also investigate if the saboteur is working alone or possibly cooperating with or working under the instructions of an external organization. Elon added in the email: “As you know, there are a long list of organizations that want Tesla to die,” before pointing to oil & gas companies, Wall Street brokers who had bet against their stock and the car industry, stating that “Don’t want to blow your mind, but rumor has it that those companies are sometimes not super nice.”

In the meanwhile, Tesla has begun producing the first Model 3 with four wheel drive and performance packages. Within three weeks a new production line had been fitted to accommodate the production. The production line is set to help Tesla reach their production target of 5,000 Model 3 vehicles per week by the end of the month. Even with the interruptions and issues popping up, Tesla may still reach their goal.

electrek.co, teslarati.com, cnbc.com

1 Comment

about „Elon accuses employees of sabotage“
Mark Bruckman
20.06.2018 um 13:05
I love what Tesla is doing...however, to infer the internal issues at Tesla with associates is related to other companies not being "super nice" is a cheap attempt to deflect the growing pains Tesla has as a company...

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