VW’s first ID. electric car to cost less than 25,000 euros


Volkswagen is waking up to e-mobility and so the firm that used to build “Das Auto” now wants to build “The EV” too it seems, and sell a lot. German Handelsblatt say they have the new ID. pricing and it is most competitive.

So competitive that Volkswagen may offer the cheapest electric car on the market once the VW ID. is to hit the shelves in early 2020. Handelsblatt publication Edison quotes a price of below 25,000 euros, an information obtained through VW’s man for e-mobility, Thomas Ulbrich.

Ulbrich points to economies of scale which would make production of the VW ID. less costly than the e-Golf for example and help VW reaching volume. Savings of up to 35 percent are possible, he said, thanks to Volkswagen’s new EV architecture MEB.

Volkswagen had introduced technical details of the latter only last week in Dresden and used the launch event to underpin their RoadmapE strategy with even bolder targets for the medium term. Ulbrich had announced that about “10 million vehicles across the Group will be based on this platform in the first wave alone.”

The first will be said ID. (now written with a dot less. so it is ID. instead of I.D.) that Volkswagen labels an “electric car made in Germany”. The ID. will roll off the lines at the Volkswagen plant in Zwickau, Saxony, starting late next year, then tuning the site into a pure electric vehicle plant.

Zwickau is not the only plant to be involved. Also the Volkswagen Group Components sites in Braunschweig, Salzgitter and Kassel will have a hand in the making of the ID. model. In Braunschweig alone, VW is ramping up to to be able to build up to half a million battery systems per year in future. This factory already builds the batteries for the e-up!, the e-Golf and the Passat GTE plug-in hybrid. Overall, Volkswagen is investing €1.3 billion of a total €6 billion budgeted for e-mobility in the making of the ID. family of electric vehicles ready for mass market.

edison.handelsblatt.com (original source in German)


about „VW’s first ID. electric car to cost less than 25,000 euros“

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