Greek ferries no longer transport fully charged electric cars

Charging limits now apply to the batteries of electric cars and plug-in hybrids on Greek ferries. In other words, most ferries no longer take fully charged electric vehicles.

According to the German automobile club ADAC, a new regulation issued by the Greek Ministry of Shipping and Island Policy in force since mid-April is already being implemented by major Greek shipping companies. For safety reasons, the batteries of electric cars may only have a maximum charge level of 40 per cent. The focus here is on batteries of purely electric vehicles as well as plug-in hybrids.

ADAC experts see no evidence that electric vehicles are more likely to pose a fire hazard than vehicles with combustion engines. In its press release, the automobile club writes: “In principle, of course, it can never be completely ruled out that a car will self-ignite due to a defect – but this applies to all drive types.” (in German)


about „Greek ferries no longer transport fully charged electric cars“
Adrian McDaid
24.05.2024 um 18:29
Are they going do the same for Petrol cars with overflowing tank ?
mr raymond john white
26.05.2024 um 15:28
Dont be so ridiculous...
27.05.2024 um 17:32
Well I'm recent years we have had two multi storey car parks burn down. Luton airport and Liverpool Echo Arena. Both from normal combination engine cars.The stats are clear - electric cars have less fires per 1000 sold than their petrol and diesel rivals.The car park fires destroyed hundreds of cars and cost millions of pounds. Probably part of the reason for increasing car insurance
Ger Coyne
26.05.2024 um 09:42
Why such a stupid comment? Oh wait, you probably own an EV. The logical reason is to minimise potential for ignition and rapid discharge, why should everyone parked near you lose their cars.
Paul Rawlinson
27.05.2024 um 09:55
That's a stupid comment in itself. There is no evidence that gully charged ev's ate more likely to combust than partly charged ev's. There is copious evidence that petrol powered vehicles are more rapidly combustible with a partly full fuel tank than a full fuel tank. And according to insurance statistics ( who have very strong reason to not fudge the figures) petrol cars are 4-6 times more likely to be lost in a 'self induced combustion' than the equivalent electric vehicle. For the re cord I own 3 petrol or diesel powered vehicles and zero electric vehicles.
Guy P
26.05.2024 um 17:12
I agree, once a fire starts in an EV they are incredibly difficult to put out. Garages in the UK are apparently required to maintain a clear zone around the car so that a fire has a better chance of being contained.
26.05.2024 um 14:08
What a silly comment. Any car can have a fault which causes it to catch fire, even your car fuel.
Christos Dimou
24.05.2024 um 22:37
Thw new ruling is not only applicable to EVs or PHEVs but it also considers CNG and LPG vehicles (also FCEVs).A low SoC reduces the stress on the pack. This allows for more room for the cells to expand in case of an emergency.
24.05.2024 um 23:17
And zero acceptance for Lamborghinis and Ferrari's or was this just an empty marketing stunt?
Pat labrash
25.05.2024 um 01:35
I think the issue and reasons for this is when a electric catches fire its almost impossible to extinguish and repeatedly will reignite. Gas is easily extinguished and once its out it stays out
M Rhodes
25.05.2024 um 17:23
Seems like an over reaction to the risk, given that ICE vehicles are about 20 times more likely to be involved in a fire event than EV/PHEVs based on data from large UK leasing companies.As we saw at Luton airport recently a single ICE engine fire event caused hundred of cars to catch fire one after the other, and that took several days to extinguish.So what next ask all the ICE vehicles to empty their tanks before they board the boat ?Not all electric vehicle batteries are the same either, LFP batteries are much safer, unlike older NMC batteries.Perhaps we could see some figures on how many vehicle fires have occurred on greek ships and what percentage are ICE vs EV/PHEV etc, so we can decide whether someone is overreacting to narratives being pedalled by those with anti EV agendas.
Alex Weswater
26.05.2024 um 07:55
Simple (correct) answer Pat. If people would read the report and not just the headlines they would not jump to the wrong conclusions.
mr raymond john white
26.05.2024 um 15:25
I wondered when that would happen. will also apply to uk ferries to Wherever.
Jim Stat
26.05.2024 um 18:38
The material comprising the batteries is the same., whether it is at 10% or 80% . You have the same fuel load, in the event of a fire. The electrical storage level doesn't contribute to the intensity or longevity of an EV fire.
Paul Rawlinson
27.05.2024 um 09:58
Insurance companies would strongly disagree with you. ICE cars regularly self ignite for reasons ranging from fueltank explosions in hot weather to static discharges, but the most common by far is battery faults. ICE cars have a big battery in the engine bay and numerous small lithium batteries spread throughout the vehicle.
29.05.2024 um 20:45
ICE cars still outnumber EVs by several hundred to one! Therefore……

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