Lime’s new micro-mobility platform to include 3rd parties


Lime has announced its own micromobility platform, which can also be used to book e-scooters and e-bikes from other suppliers. The first partner for the Lime platform is Wheels from Berlin.

The aim is to make it easier for customers to access micromobility. Instead of having to use an app for each provider, Lime wants to offer its own platform through which different offers can be used. In other words, anyone who spontaneously wants to rent an e-bike, an e-scooter or an e-scooter should have a central contact point with the new Lime platform. According to the announcement, the platform will be optimized for journeys of less than five miles (eight kilometers).

However, the platform is not yet ready for use, which should be the case in winter. From then on, the vehicles of the first partner Wheels will be available in the Lime App in Berlin as well as in the U.S. cities of Austin, Miami and Seattle. Other providers and markets are to follow.

Wheels was launched in Berlin only a few weeks ago. Initially 200 of the two-wheelers will be offered, these are mopeds and not e-bikes. Therefore a driving license of the class AM is required for the use. According to Wheels, the costs for the rental are “based on standard market fees”, specifically one euro starting fee and subsequently 20 cents per minute.

However, it should still be possible to rent the bikes via the Wheels app, and Lime is another option. The advantage for the customers is the one-time registration including payment method with Lime instead of many accounts for several providers.

At the beginning of May, Uber acquired a stake in Lime together with Google’s parent company Alphabet. In this context, Lime also took over Uber’s business with e-bikes and e-scooters under the Jump brand.,,


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