Kia, UK, Go Ultra Low, Supercharger, Nissan Leaf roadtrip.

Kia fast chargers in Europe: The Korean manufacturer installed its first two DC chargers at its European HQ in Frankfurt, Germany. The 100-kW multi-system stations have been developed by Korean Signet Systems. Kia plans another 233 charging stations in Europe which will accompany the introduction of the Soul EV later this year. (in German)

The UK government announced the winners of its 5-million pound Clean Vehicle Technology Fund (CVTF). 17 councils will be sharing the money to “green” all sorts of vehicles. Southhampton City Council alone gets 351,900 pounds to equip 23 buses with flywheel technology. Newcastle does the same but for 30 buses while Portsmouth will hybridise 18 vehicles., (pdf with all projects)

Go Ultra Low: Another UK project is this campaign from government and industry that strives to educate and enthuse motorists on the benefits of ultra low emission vehicles (ULEV). For those want to get on board, the SMMT has compiled the most important ingredients to go ultra low.

Supercharger update: Tesla has just erected three new European charging sites. One Supercharger each now awaits Model S drivers close to Frankfurt and Neuberg, Germany, another one stands in Danish Køge. The latter is rumoured to become the biggest in Europe with 12 spots, solar panels and energy storage, according to the German Tesla forum. But also in its home state, the company does not rest and erected another Supercharger site in Cornwall. (Germany), (Denmark), (in German), (California)

Charging experience: Tyrel Haveman went on a 1,500-mile trip from Canada to California with his Nissan Leaf and gives an interesting account of the various network operators. He mostly used DC quick chargers that line the West Coast Electric Highway which curiously cuts off in California.


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