BYD to construct 500 electric buses for India


The joint venture of Goldstone and BYD now called Olectra-BYD has signed a contract with the north Indian state of Uttarakhand to deliver 500 electric buses. The contract is valued at about 82 millions euros.

The joint venture by Olectra Greentech and BYD will manufacture the electric buses locally, specifically the models eBuzz K7, which is 9 metres in length, and the eBuzz K9, with a 12 metre length. They will each be capable of driving up to 250 km without stopping for charging. The deal was preceded by a one month test in Uttarakhand, where the necessary charging infrastructure was installed in the town of Dehradun.

In mid June, BYD and their Indian partner had announced their intention of reaching a production rate of 5,000 electric buses per year. Shortly before that, the joint venture had introduced their most recent electric bus model with the K6. In order to help support the mobility change, the joint venture also plans to begin construction of a series of their own charging stations along the stretches, on which their buses will be operating.,,


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