IONITY: Automobile Industry expands Charging Grid

In a combined move by the BMW Group, Daimler AG, the Ford Motor Company, the Volkswagen Group, Audi and Porsche, the IONITY Pan-European High Power Charging (HPC) Network will tackle a significant hurdle in electric long distance travel.

Instead of having to sacrifice hours of valuable travel time to charging stations, the 400 fast charging stations that will be implemented across Europe’s thoroughfares and highways will revolutionize long-distance travel with electric cars. The consortium plans to begin construction of the first 20 stations in 2017 and complete the entire project by 2020.

What sets the High-Power-Charging Network apart from its predecessors is the charging capacity – up to 350 kW will flow through the charger, as well as be compatible with multiple brands and leading manufacturers to ensure long-levity of the project, as Europe gears up to enter the next generation of travel.

The initiative is based in Munich and is being led by CEO Michael Hajesch and COO Marcus Groll, with a fast-growing team anticipated to reach about 50 people by 2018. They plan to integrate existing technology and the initiative is highly dependent on international cooperation, highlighting a new era and direction for personal transportation.

“The first pan-European HPC network plays an essential role in establishing a market for electric vehicles. IONITY will deliver our common goal of providing customers with fast charging and digital payment capability, to facilitate long-distance travel,” said Hajesch.


about „IONITY: Automobile Industry expands Charging Grid“
15.03.2016 um 13:17
es wäre zunächst mal hilfreich die ganzen Fassaden der Gebäude zu nutzen! im Winter steht halt die Sonne tief. täglich sogar 2 mal am Horizont! da wäre es doch super die an den Fassaden eintreffende Sonnenstrahlung zu nutzen.
18.03.2016 um 18:36
Als Nutzer eines Renault Zoe kann ich nur sagen: 27,5 Cent für Ökostrom an den Ladesäulen sind okay, doch der immense Parkdruck und das "Zuparken" der Ladepunkte ist gruselig. Wer wie ich auf der Etage wohnt und auf öffentliche Ladesäulen angewiesen ist, ist zuweilen in Hamburg ein "ganz armes Schwein" ... Doch die bewundernden Blicke und Nachfragen zum "E" auf dem Kennzeichen machen mehr als nur ein gutes Gefühl.

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